This cycle is not only used for beginners but experts as well. This cycle is great for adding size and strength while keeping a good portion of it. The Sustanon and Dbol add the size and contribute to the strength.
Weeks / Sustanon mg/week - Dianabol mg/day
1 250 mg 2 * 20mg
2 250 mg 2 * 30mg
3 250 mg 2 * 30mg
4 250 mg 2 * 20mg
5 250 mg 2 * 20mg
6 250 mg -
7 250 mg -
8 250 mg -
9 and 10 weeks take tamoxifen 20mg twice a day in total of 40mg for 2 weeks.
Cycle includes:
20 amps Sustanon 250 mg/vial* 1ml by Organon brand